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GET /availableTractors/search

Searches the database for available tractors matching the given request parameters.

Roles that can access this endpoint are Freight Matching.


name description type default type
id (Optional) The available tractor ID to search for.
Multiple available tractor ID values can be submitted if they are delimited with the '|' character
If no value is submitted then all available tractor non extracted capacity records are eligible to be returned
For example, /availableTractors/search?id=1234|5678 would find available tractors with ID 1234 and 5678
query String
availableDateStart (Optional) Inclusive starting date to use as a filter of the available tractor available date
Defaults to current date
query Date
availableDateEnd (Optional) Inclusive ending date to use as a filter of the available tractor available date
Defaults to the day after the available date start
For example, /availableTractors/search?availableDateStart=20191001000000CST&availableDateEnd=20191002000000CST will find avail_tract_detail records with an available date between 10/01/2019 and 10/02/2019
query Date
recordLength (Optional) Number of records to return.
Defaults to the mobile_service.max_search value set in the PowerBroker Mobile Service control
query Integer
recordOffset (Optional) Start of offset in the returned data result set.
Defaults to 0
query Integer


List < RowAvailTractDetail > of type: application/xml application/json

A list of RowAvailTractDetail elements

Sorting: To sort the result set, you can provide the following reserved query parameter: orderBy If the orderBy parameter is not provided a default sort of avail_tract_detail.available_date+DESC will be applied.

For example, /availableTractors/search?availableDateStart=20191001000000CST&orderBy=avail_tract_detail.carrier_id+DESC would return all available tractors records sorted descending by the carrier id. Multiple sort columns can be provided in a comma delimited format. orderBy=prefix.field+direction,prefix.field+direction

Pagination: To page the result set, you can provide the following reserved query parameters: recordLength and recordOffset

For example, /availableTractors/search?availableDateStart=20191001000000CST&recordLength=100&recordOffset=50 would return 100 records starting at the 51st record in the return record set.

This search will exclude records added with the Freight Matching API as well as other interfaces that add available tractors (e.g. only include records where avail_tract_detail.extracted_capacity = 'N' Additional results attributes:

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- Authentication Help
- String
- Date
- Date
- Integer
- Integer