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string for which to search for orders by ID, by location ID or name, by customer ID or name, or by Pro number
Additional attributes:
__statusDescr This value represents the description of the order status, found in the orders.status field.
__collectionMethodDescr This value represents the description of the collection method, found in the orders.collection_method field.
__rateTypeDescr This value represents the description of the rate type, found in the orders.rate_type field.
__revenueTypeDescr This value represents the description of the revenue code, found in the orders.revenue_code_id field.
__equipmentTypeDescr This value represents the description of the equipment type, found in the orders.equipment_type_id field.
__tractorTypeDescr This value represents the description of the tractor type, found in the orders.tractor_type field.
Child Elements:
com.tms.common.loadmaster.tablerows.RowCustomer This element represent the customer associated with the order, by the order.customer_id field.
The element contains a __name attribute with the value customer .
com.tms.common.lib.tablerows.RowUsers This element represent the entered user associated with the order, by the order.entered_user_id field.
The element contains a __name attribute with the value enteredUser .
com.tms.common.lib.tablerows.RowUsers This element represent the operations user associated with the order, by the order.operations_user field.
The element contains a __name attribute with the value operationsUser .
com.tms.common.loadmaster.tablerows.RowFreightGroup This element represents the freight group associated with the order.
The element contains a __name attribute with the value freightGroup .
com.tms.common.loadmaster.tablerows.RowHdrXFgp These elements represent accessorials associated with the freight group.
Each element contains a __name attribute with the value handlingRequirements .
com.tms.common.loadmaster.tablerows.RowFreightGroupItem These elements represent freight items associated with the freight group.
Each element contains a __name attribute with the value freightGroupItems .
com.tms.common.loadmaster.tablerows.RevenueDetailPerFgiView These elements represent revenue details associated with freight items.
Each element contains a __name attribute with the value revenueDetails .
com.tms.common.loadmaster.tablerows.FgpXBfg These elements represent the billing freight groups associated with the freight group.
Each element contains a __name attribute with the value fgpXBfgs .
com.tms.common.loadmaster.tablerows.RevenueDetailPerFgiView These elements represent revenue details not associated with freight items.
Each element contains a __name attribute with the value revenueDetails .
com.tms.common.loadmaster.tablerows.RowStop These elements represent the stops associated with the order.
Each element contains a __name attribute with the value stops .