go back to CarrierDriverMessageService

POST /carrierDriverMessages/sendMessage

Sends the composed message and updates certain records (carrier_driver, order_post_hist, and movement) based on the supplied query parameters.

Roles that can access this endpoint are Users.


name description type default type
messageType whether to send a Text message (0), Email (1), or update the records only (2) query 0 int
driverName recipient of the message query String
contact recipient of the message query String
phoneNumber phone number of the recipient query String
emailAddress email address of the recipient query String
message the message to be sent query String
orderId ID of the order that the driver was assigned when the text message was sent query String
movementId ID of the movement that the driver was assigned when the text message was sent query String


Response of type: text/plain

response object indicating the success or failure of sending the message

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- int
- String
- String
- String
- String
- String
- String
- String