go back to CarrierDispatchService

POST /carrierDispatch/setPay/{movementId}

Sets the carrier pay for a given movement.

Roles that can access this endpoint are Users.


name description type default type
movementId ID of the movement to update path String
overrideMaxPay decimal amount by which to override the existing max pay query BigDecimal
method pay method query String
units pay units query BigDecimal
rate per unit rate query BigDecimal
carrierPay decimal amount to set as the carrier pay query BigDecimal
overrideTargetPay decimal amount by which to override the existing max pay query BigDecimal


Response of type: text/plain

a response object containing a success/failure message

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- Authentication Help
- String
- BigDecimal
- String
- BigDecimal
- BigDecimal
- BigDecimal
- BigDecimal