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POST /ediBilling/transmitBatches

Submits a transmission request for the specified EDI Billing batches for a specified profile ID.

Roles that can access this endpoint are Users.


name description type default type
profileId the ID of the EDI Billing profile record query String
batchInfo a repeating parameter that identifies 1 or more EDI Billing batches to be transmitted. Each batch is defined by a batch number and a customer ID, in the format of batch:customerId.

For example, /ediBilling/transmitBatches?profileId=someProfileId&batchInfo=161:SOMECUST&batchInfo=162:SOMECUST would transmit batches 161 and 162 for customer ID 'SOMECUST', for the partner defined by the profile having 'someProfileId'.

Transmitting batch 0 (zero) will cause a new batch (or batches) to be created and transmitted.
query EdiBatch (repeating)


Response of type: text/plain

a Response indicating the result of the transmission request

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- Authentication Help
- String
- EdiBatch