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This service provides operations that enable access to bills, billing history, miscellaneous billing, reprints and open items.


name role description
GET /billing Users Retrieves a list of unposted billing records matching the given request parameters.
GET /billing/cashReceipts Users Retrieves a List of open items matching the given request parameters, posted through cash receipts.
GET /billing/history Users Retrieves a List of historical freight billing records matching the given request parameters.
GET /billing/history/{id} Users Retrieves details for the requested historical freight billing record.
GET /billing/miscBilling Users Retrieves a list of miscellaneous bills matching the given request parameters.
GET /billing/miscBilling/history Users Retrieves a list of historical miscellaneous bills matching the given request parameters.
GET /billing/miscBilling/history/{id} Users Retrieves details for the requested miscellaneous bill history.
GET /billing/miscBilling/{id} Users Retrieves details for the requested miscellaneous bill.
GET /billing/printBill Users Prints a freight bill based on the given criteria and returns a PDF to the caller.
GET /billing/reprint Users Reprints a freight bill based on the given criteria and returns a PDF to the caller.
GET /billing/{id} Users Retrieves the billing record identified by the given ID.
POST /billing/postBills Users Posts provided parameter list to billing history.
POST /billing/transfer/{transferBy}/{transferIds} Users Transfers the provided id values to billing.
POST /billing/unTransfer/{orderId} Users Removes existing billing record and sets order back to untransferred status.
PUT /billing/cashReceipts/create Users Creates a cash receipts batch. The batch header, receipt header and detail rows must all be included. Detail totals must match the check total. All check totals must match the header total.
PUT /billing/miscBilling/create Users Creates a miscellaneous bill. At least one detail records must be included.
PUT /billing/update Users Updates a RowBilling record for the given data.