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This service provides methods for viewing and sending driver text messages.


name role description
GET /carrierDriverMessages Users Gets all driver text messages matching the request criteria. If no criteria given, then all driver text messages for the current company are returned. For example, /carrierDriverMessages?order_id=0256189 would find driver text messages for order 0256189.
GET /carrierDriverMessages/previewMessage Users Retrieves the composed message.
GET /carrierDriverMessages/{id} Users Retrieves the driver text message based on the specified ID.
GET /carrierDriverMessages/{id}/thumbnail Users Retrieves a PNG thumbnail of the attachment stored with a message, if it exists.
POST /carrierDriverMessages/sendMessage Users Sends the composed message and updates certain records (carrier_driver, order_post_hist, and movement) based on the supplied query parameters.
POST /carrierDriverMessages/{id}/messageRead Users Updates the driver text message with the specified ID as read or unread.
POST /carrierDriverMessages/{id}/resend Users Resends the driver text message with the specified ID.
POST /carrierDriverMessages/{id}/updateStatus Users Updates the status of the driver text message with the specified ID.