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Sample XML

The following is only an example of what the XML should look like. The order of fields is not guaranteed and null fields are not included in returned data from the services.

<batch alt_partner_id="..." createDate="..." customerID="..." customer_id="..." ediLogIDs="..." formatType="..." id="..." partner_id="..." profile="..." pushNotificationUserID="..." recordCount="..." record_count="..." recordsInBatch="..." recordsInBatchTableAlias="..." resultsDetail="..." resultsDetail="..." status="..." template="..." templateArgs="..." tenderIDs="..." transactions="..." type="..." version="..."/>

Sample JSON

The following is only an example of what the JSON should look like. The order of fields is not guaranteed and null fields are not included in returned data from the services.



name type
alt_partner_id String
createDate Date
customerID String
customer_id String
ediLogIDs List
formatType String
id int
partner_id String
profile RowAbstractEdiProfile
pushNotificationUserID String
recordCount Integer
record_count Integer
recordsInBatch List
recordsInBatchTableAlias String
resultsDetail String
resultsDetail String
status Boolean
template EdiTemplate
templateArgs List
tenderIDs List
transactions List
type String
version String