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Sample XML

The following is only an example of what the XML should look like. The order of fields is not guaranteed and null fields are not included in returned data from the services.

<null activeQueryCount="..." alias="..." aliasName="..." allIndexes="..." allMetaData="..." broadcaster="..." connection="..." currentTransactionId="..." dBDriver="..." hostName="..." indexes="..." lastAuditInsertText="..." lastExecutedStatement="..." metaData="..." metaData="..." metaDataFetcher="..." originalAuditLogUserId="..." preparedStatementWithLock="..." resultSet="..." sPID="..." sPIDText="..." tableNames="..." tablespaces="..." transactionsIgnored="..." uniqueTransactionId="..." userName="..."/>

Sample JSON

The following is only an example of what the JSON should look like. The order of fields is not guaranteed and null fields are not included in returned data from the services.



name type
activeQueryCount int
alias Alias
aliasName String
allIndexes Hashtable
allMetaData Hashtable
broadcaster TableBroadcaster
connection Connection
currentTransactionId Integer
dBDriver DBDriver
hostName String
indexes TableIndex[]
lastAuditInsertText String
lastExecutedStatement String
metaData DatabaseMetaData
metaData QueryMetaData
metaDataFetcher MetaDataFetcher
originalAuditLogUserId String
preparedStatementWithLock CachedPreparedStatement
resultSet ResultSet
sPID String
sPIDText String
tableNames String[]
tablespaces Hashtable
transactionsIgnored boolean
uniqueTransactionId String
userName String