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Sample XML

The following is only an example of what the XML should look like. The order of fields is not guaranteed and null fields are not included in returned data from the services.

<metadata anywhereTrackingIntervalMinutes="..." branding="..." company="..." companyId="..." currentDrsPayee="..." currentPayee="..." currentUser="..." deny="..." gitRevision="..." imagingTable="..." lmeRevision="..." lmeVersion="..." mcControl="..." mcZmitOptions="..." minPasswordLength="..." minSpecialChar="..." mobileService="..." serviceRevision="..." serviceVersion="..." userSavedSearch="..."/>

Sample JSON

The following is only an example of what the JSON should look like. The order of fields is not guaranteed and null fields are not included in returned data from the services.



name type
anywhereTrackingIntervalMinutes Integer
branding RowMobileBranding
company List
companyId String
currentDrsPayee RowDrsPayee
currentPayee RowPayee
currentUser Authorizable
deny List
gitRevision String
imagingTable List
lmeRevision Integer
lmeVersion Integer
mcControl RowMcControl
mcZmitOptions List
minPasswordLength Integer
minSpecialChar Integer
mobileService RowMobileService
serviceRevision Integer
serviceVersion Integer
userSavedSearch List